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Masrul, Masrul and Asilestari, Putri (2024) Oral Corrective Feedback (OCF) and Writing Feedback toward Teachers’ Beliefs. English Focus: Journal of English Language Education, 7 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2614-638X
Masrul, Masrul and Melani, Melyann (2024) Measuring EFL Learners’ Ability in Writing Correlation between Linguistic Language Variables and Writing Proficiency. Channing: Journal of English Language Education and Literature, 9 (1). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2541-4259; e-ISSN 5297-3630
Masrul, Masrul and Erliana, Santi and Rasyidah, Ummi and Wicaksono, Bayu Hendro (2024) The Effect of Direct and Indirect Written Corrective Feedback on Accuracy and Fluency of University Students' English Writing. World Journal of English Language, 14 (2). pp. 388-399. ISSN 1925-0703
Masrul, Masrul and Wicaksono, Bayu Hendro (2024) Exploring Students’ Writing Performance through Corrective Feedback. SELL (Scope of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature) Journal, 9 (1). pp. 29-64. ISSN 2528-6595; e-ISSN 2580-8400
Masrul, Masrul and Wicaksono, Bayu Hendro and Yuliani, Sri and Erliana, Santi and Rasyidah, Ummi (2024) The Dynamic Influence of Interactive Feedback on Elevating EFL Students’ Writing Skills. Studies in English Language and Education, 11 (1). pp. 133-152. ISSN 2355-2794
Masrul, Masrul and Erliana, Santi (2024) Using WhatsApp Group as Language Learning Strategy (LLS) Teaching Tool to Improve Academic Writing Performance of EFL Students. PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education), 7 (1). pp. 135-145. ISSN 2614-6320
Masrul, Masrul and Erliana, Santi (2024) The Effect of Ordinary Crucial Skill to Improve University Students’ Academic Reading Skills. Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Proficiency, 6 (1). pp. 73-92. ISSN 2716-4950
Masrul, Masrul and Erliana, Santi (2024) The Role of Peer Feedback in University Students’ Writing Performance during an Online Peer Assessment Activity. Jurnal Pendidikan Glasser, 8 (1). pp. 53-65. ISSN 2579-5082
Masrul, Masrul and Erliana, Santi (2024) The Influence of Language Learning Anxiety on Speaking and Reading Performances in Foreign Language Context. SALEE: Study of Applied Linguistics and English Education, 5 (1). pp. 61-78. ISSN 2715-9795
Masrul, Masrul and Erliana, Santi (2024) An Investigation of Gender Differences and Self-Efficacy in Writing Performance among College EFL Learners. ELP (Journal of English Language Pedagogy), 9 (1). pp. 103-117. ISSN 2656-6451; E-ISSN 2502-2792
Masrul, Masrul and Asilestari, Putri (2023) An Investigation the Effect of Indicators on Self-Efficacy Using Language toward Indicators of Self-Efficacy Writing Scale. Edu-Ling: Journal of English Education and Linguistics, 7 (1). pp. 94-111. ISSN 2614-7343
Masrul, Masrul and Yuliani, Sri (2023) The Roles of Motivation (Self-Efficacy and Task-Value), Writing Knowledge, Skills, and Strategic Approach to Students' Performance in Writing. E-Link Journal, 10 (2). pp. 185-207. ISSN 2085-1383 (P-ISSN); 2621-4156 (E-ISSN)
Masrul, Masrul and Nurmalina, Nurmalina (2023) The effectiveness of writing instruction in the writing assessment among EFL students. U-JET: Unila Journal of English Teaching, 12 (3). pp. 288-304. ISSN 2798-4532 (E-ISSN)
Masrul, Masrul and Wicaksono, Bayu Hendro (2023) The Impact of Explicit Instruction on Teaching Vocabulary to Fourth-Grade Students. Seltics Journal: Scope of English Language Teaching, Literature and Linguistics Journal, 6 (2). pp. 98-114. ISSN 2623-2642
Masrul, Masrul and Erliana, Santi (2023) Dynamic Assessment of EFL Learners' Academic Writing Skills and Writing Ability. Lingua : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, 19 (2). pp. 151-167. ISSN 1829-7951
Masrul, Masrul and Rasyidah, Ummi (2023) The Writers’ Workshop Impact to the Writing of English Foreign Language (EFL) Learner in Indonesia. Tamaddun Life: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Budaya, 22 (2). pp. 166-182. ISSN 0216 – 809X (Print), 2685 – 4112 (Online)
Masrul, Masrul and Ayu, Citra (2023) A Measurement among the Indicators of the Writing Self-Efficacy Scale and Self-Assessment. English Language Teaching Prima Journal, 5 (2). pp. 1-21. ISSN 2686-1526 (e-ISSN)
Masrul, Masrul and Ayu, Citra (2023) The Effect of Using Self-regulated Learning Strategy on Self-Efficacy and Academic Writing Performance of College Students in Indonesia. English Teaching Journal: A journal of English Literature, Linguistics, and Education, 11 (2). pp. 119-129. ISSN 2338-2678
Masrul, Masrul and Wicaksono, Bayu Hendro (2023) The Measurement of Extensive Reading and Reading Strategy among EFL Learners. REGISTER Journal English Language Teaching of FBS UNIMED, 12 (4). pp. 257-269. ISSN 2301-5233; E-ISSN: 2655-9854
Masrul, Masrul and Nurmalina, Nurmalina (2023) Teaching Writing Using E-Portfolio: It’s Effect on Students' Writing Ability at State University of Malang. Al Manar: English And Arabic Journal, 14 (2). pp. 163-181. ISSN 2086-4841
Masrul, Masrul and Rasyidah, Ummi (2023) Washback Effect of TOEIC Listening and Reading as a College Exit Test in Riau, Indonesia. Journey: Journal of English Language and Pedagogy, 6 (3). pp. 698-712. ISSN 2623-0356
Masrul, Masrul and Yuliani, Sri (2023) Interpreting collaborative reasoning and instructional strategies in argumentative writing. Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning (JETLE), 5 (1). pp. 85-94. ISSN 2686-665X
Masrul, Masrul and Gunadi, R. Andi Ahmad and Aswir, Aswir and Hamdani, Beny and Rasyidah, Ummi and Yuliani, Sri (2023) Incorporating Strategy Instruction (SI) and Strategy-Based Writing Instruction (SBI) to Enhancing Students' Writing Abilities. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 14 (4). pp. 1117-1126. ISSN 1798-4769
Masrul, Masrul and Rasyidah, Ummi and Yuliani, Sri and Nurmalina, Nurmalina and Erliana, Santi and Wicaksono, Bayu Hendro (2023) The Implementation of Dynamic Assessment in EFL Learners’ Writing. World Journal of English Language, 13 (5). pp. 191-199. ISSN 1925-0703
Nurhayati, Febri and Witarsa, Ramdhan and Masrul, Masrul (2023) Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Perubahan Kenampakan Bumi dan Benda Langit melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Pair Share (TPS). Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai, 7 (1). pp. 3551-3557. ISSN 2614-6754 (p), 2614-3097(e)
Herniwati, Herniwati and Daulay, Musnar Indra and Masrul, Masrul (2023) Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pada Materi Sistem Pemerintahan Pusat melalui Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Teams Games Tournament (TGT). Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling, 5 (1). pp. 6088-6093. ISSN E-ISSN: 2685-936X dan P-ISSN: 2685-9351
Azmi, Zul and Masrul, Masrul and Daulay, Musnar Indra (2023) Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran IPA Melalui Strategi Permainan Beban Pikiran. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling, 5 (1). pp. 6032-6039. ISSN E-ISSN: 2685-936X dan P-ISSN: 2685-9351
Masrul, Masrul and Ayu, Citra (2023) The effect of using self -regulated learning strategy on self efficacy and academic writing performance of college students in Indonesia. A journal of English Literature, Linguistics, and Education. ISSN P-ISSN: 2338-2678
Fitri, Annisa Islami and Masrul, Masrul and Asilestari, Putri (2022) An analysis on students’ ability in writing Descriptive text. Journal of English Language and Education, 7 (2). pp. 105-112. ISSN 2502-4132
Nurmalina, Nurmalina and Masrul, Masrul (2022) Etos Kerja dalam Penanaman Kelor : Nilai-nilai pendidikan. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling, 4 (6). pp. 10233-10242. ISSN E-ISSN: 2685-936X dan P-ISSN: 2685-9351
Handika, Handika and Sesa, Mery Melly and Ariyanti, Mira and Rissa, Mutia and Fauriza, Siti and Zubaida, Teti and Wahyuni, Molli and Masrul, Masrul (2022) Hubungan Kreativitas Guru Menggunakan Media Berbasis Canva dengan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa di Sekolah Dasar. REFLEKSI EDUKATIKA : Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan, 13 (1). pp. 65-73. ISSN 2087-9385
Siregar, Habibah and Masrul, Masrul and Daulay, Musnar Indra (2022) Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPA Materi Energi dan Perubahannya dengan Menggunakan Metode PAIKEM pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Journal on Education, 04 (04). pp. 1557-1569. ISSN 2655-1365
Sesa, Merya Melly and Wahyuni, Molli and Masrul, Masrul (2022) Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPA pada Materi Alat Indra dengan Pendekatan Saintifik. Journal on Education, 04 (04). pp. 1617-1627. ISSN 2655-1365
Nur, Selviana Sasmiati and Masrul, Masrul and Nurmalina, Nurmalina (2022) Peningkatan Keterampilan Memerankan Tokoh dengan Menggunakan Metode Sosiodrama Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Journal on Education, 04 (04). pp. 1511-1521. ISSN 2655-1365
Fatma, Mora and Piliati, Indros and Budiarti, Budiarti and Putra, Iwan and Wahyuni, Molli and Masrul, Masrul (2022) Pengaruh Media Game Edukasi Sebagai Inovasi Pembelajaran Muatan PPKN Terhadap Minat Belajar Siswa Kelas V SD. Sekolah Dasar: Kajian Teori dan Praktik Pendidikan, 31 (1). pp. 68-77. ISSN ISSN 0854-8285 (cetak); ISSN 2581-1983 (online)
Yulianti, Defitri and Nurmalina, Nurmalina and Masrul, Masrul (2022) Penerapan Model Kooperatif Tipe Picture and Picture untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling, 4 (1). pp. 682-691. ISSN E-ISSN: 2685-936X dan P-ISSN: 2685-9351
S, Reni Yohana and Nurmalina, Nurmalina and Masrul, Masrul (2022) Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPS Materi Mengenal Sejarah Uang Dengan Menggunakan Metode Scramble Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling, 4 (1). pp. 720-727. ISSN E-ISSN: 2685-936X dan P-ISSN: 2685-9351
Rissa, Mutia and Daulay, Musnar Indra and Masrul, Masrul (2022) Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPA dengan Menggunakan Model Sains Teknologi Masyarakat (STM) di Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai, 6 (1). pp. 8603-8613. ISSN 2614-6754 (p), 2614-3097(e)
Zubaidah, Teti and Masrul, Masrul and Witarsa, Ramdhan (2022) Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPA dengan Menggunakan Model Kooperatif Tipe Snowball Throwing Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai, 6 (1). pp. 8519-8529. ISSN 2614-6754 (p), 2614-3097(e)
Budiarti, Budiarti and Nurmalina, Nurmalina and Masrul, Masrul (2022) Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika dengan Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Head Together (NHT) pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai, 6 (1). pp. 8535-8545. ISSN 2614-6754 (p), 2614-3097(e)
Dwiana, Ari Aprilia and Samosir, Angela and Sari, Nauli Tama and Awalia, Nur and Budiyono, Aan and Wahyuni, Molli and Masrul, Masrul (2022) Penerapan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Macromedia Flash dalam Meningkatkan Kreativitas Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika di Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Basicedu, 6 (1). pp. 499-505. ISSN 2580-3735,2580-1147
Azriani, Yuni and Masrul, Masrul and Daulay, Musnar Indra (2022) Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPS dengan Menggunakan Model Reciprocal Teaching Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai, 6 (1). pp. 8581-8593. ISSN 2614-6754 (p), 2614-3097(e)
Adillatunnisa', Adillatunnisa' and Masrul, Masrul and Asilestari, Putri (2021) The Effect of Short Movie toward Students’ Speaking Skill. Journal of English Language and Education, 6 (2). pp. 39-49. ISSN 2502-4132
Wulandari, Desi and Masrul, Masrul (2021) An Analysis on English Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension in New Normal Era. Journal of English Language and Education, 6 (1). pp. 172-183. ISSN 2502-4132
Riswanti, Amalia and Masrul, Masrul (2021) The Effect of Raft Strategy on Students’ Writing Skill by Using WhatsApp at 11th Grade of MA Mualimin Muhammadiyah Bangkinang. Journal of English Language and Education, 6 (1). pp. 161-171. ISSN 2502-4132
Sendayu, Rajeni and Masrul, Masrul and Kusuma, Yanti Yandri (2020) Analisis Pelanggaran Kedisiplinan Belajar Siswa di SD Pahlawan. Jurnal Review Pendidikan dan Pengajaran, 3 (2). pp. 217-224. ISSN 2655-710X; e-ISSN 2655-6022
Masrul, Masrul and Fauziddin, Mohammad and Mufarizuddin, Mufarizuddin and Marleni, Lusi and Astuti, Astuti (2020) Innermost Hone Model to Enhance the Competency of Teachers in Evolving Teaching Materials. Proceedings of the 5th NA International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Detroit, Michigan, USA, August 10 - 14, 2020. pp. 2832-2837. ISSN 2169-8767
Mahyuni, Ani and Nurmalina, Nurmalina and Masrul, Masrul (2020) Peningkatan Keterampilan Membaca Pemahaman Siswa Dengan Menggunakan Model Scanning Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling, 2 (2). pp. 183-187. ISSN E-ISSN: 2685-936X dan P-ISSN: 2685-9351
Telaumbanua, Yohannes and Nurmalina, Nurmalina and Yalmiadi, Yalmiadi and Masrul, Masrul (2020) ‘Sentence Crimes’: Blurring the Boundaries between the Sentence-Level Accuracies and their Meanings Conveyed. ‘Sentence Crimes’: Blurring the Boundaries between the Sentence-Level Accuracies and their Meanings Conveyed, 9 (1). pp. 395-411. ISSN ISSN: 2165-8714
Mahendra, Kiki and Wahyuni, Molly and Masrul, Masrul (2020) Pengaruh Metode Ladder Drill Terhadap Kelincahan Dribbling Sepak Bola Pada Siswa SDN 013 Tanjung Berulak. Jurnal Bola (Bersama Olahraga Laju Asia), 3 (1). pp. 53-59. ISSN ISSN: 2655-1349 (print),ISSN: 2655-1357(online)
Asriani, Fatma and Masrul, Masrul (2018) An Analysis of Students’ Reading Comprehension of Descriptive Text at the Second Grade Of MTs-TI Batu Belah. Journal of English Language and Education, 3 (2). pp. 1-23. ISSN 2597-6850; EISSN 2502-4132
Suita, Harlinda and Masrul, Masrul (2018) An Analysis on Students’ Writing Skill of Narrative Text at XI Grade of IPA 2 of SMAN 1 Salo. Journal of English Language and Education, 3 (1). pp. 56-69. ISSN 2502-4132
Intan Surya, Lestari and Masrul, Masrul and Wida, Rianti AN ANALYSIS ON STUDENTS’ WRITING MOTIVATION AT SMKN 1 BANGKINANG. Journal of English Language and Education, 8 (2). pp. 13-23. ISSN 2502-7468
Purba, Pratiwi Bernadetta and Mawati, Arin Tentrem and Juliana, Juliana and Kuswandi, Sony and Hulu, Irwan Lihardo and Sitopu, Joni Wilson and Pasaribu, Arsen Nahum and Yuniwati, Ika and Masrul, Masrul (2021) Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Yayasan Kita Menulis. ISBN 978-623-342-144-7
Masrul, Masrul and Abdillah, Leon A. and Tasnim, Tasnim and Simarmata, Janner and Daud, Daud and Sulaiman, Oris Krianto and Prianto, Cahyo and Iqbal, Muhammad and Purnomo, Agung and Febrianty, Febrianty and Saputra, Didin Hadi and Purba, Deddy Wahyudin and Vinolina, Noverita Sprinse and Napitupulu, Darmawan and Soetijono, Irwan Kurniawan and Ramadhani, Yulia Rizki and Jamaludin, Jamaludin and Sari, Dian Cita and Mastuti, Rini and Rahmadana, Muhammad Fitri and Hastuti, Puji and Jamaludin, Jamaludin and Faried, Annisa Ilmi (2020) Pandemik COVID-19: Persoalan dan Refleksi di Indonesia. Yayasan Kita Menulis. ISBN 978-623-7645-71-9; E-ISBN: 978-623-7645-72-6
Masrul, Masrul Bukti Korespondensi World Journal of English Language. World Journal of English Language.
Masrul, Masrul Dokumen Bukti Korespondensi Journal of Language Teaching and Research. Journal of Language Teaching and Research.
Masrul, Masrul Dokumen Bukti Korespondensi Studies in English Language and Education. Studies in English Language and Education.
Masrul, Masrul Dokumen Bukti Korespondensi World Journal of English Language. World Journal of English Language.
Masrul, Masrul and Nurmalina, Nurmalina and Daulay, Musnar Indra and Sari, Efti Novita and Sudirman, Wahyu Febri Ramadhan Hibah Gerakan Nasional Revolusi Mental Tahun 2023 (Sebagai Ketua) dan Tahun 2022 (Sebagai Anggota). FORUM REKTOR INDONESIA (FRI).
Masrul, Masrul and Nurmalina, Nurmalina and Priyatno, Arif Mudi and Sudirman, Wahyu Febri Ramadhan and Rizqi, Eka Roshifita Hibah Matching Fund Kedaireka Tahun 2023 Batch 2. KEDAIREKA.
Masrul, Masrul and Priyatno, Arif Mudi Hibah Program Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka (PK-KM) Tahun 2023 sebagai PIC Inkubator Bisnis. Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi.
Masrul, Masrul Reviewers Jurnal Internasional Language Testing in Asia (Q1). Language Testing in Asia.